Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saul Bass Movie Posters

I chose Saul Bass's poster "Vertigo" because he did a marvelous job at summing up the whole story in this picture.  I can clearly tell that the movie is a mystery/thriller based on the spiral movement within the picture.  There is a dark figured man and an outline of a woman at the center of the poster and it led me to believe right away that something big happens between the two of them throughout the movie.  The red background makes me think that a death takes place towards the young woman because she is outlined.  His strategy is very simple and clean, which is a nice refreshing change from some of the other movie posters I've seen.  It's very retro, yet the viewers have a sense of what it's about without giving too much information away.

I find this poster very intriguing to the eye because it's very simplistic, yet it gives off a sinister and horrific theme.  I can tell straight away that this film is a horror film simply based on the bold red background, the single feather with rough edges, and the bold black title on the feather.  Saul Bass did an excellent job on showing the viewers that the movie is mainly going to be about birds, evil crazy maniac birds based on its subtle display.  He always finds a way to incorporate one single important item or idea from the movie to wrap up what it's all about.

I love the way Saul Bass designed this particular poster because it's very simplistic, like all of his movie posters, yet he shows the viewers exactly what the movie is about without it looking cluttered.  I can tell straight away that it is a thriller/romance movie by how the couple is portrayed on the poster.  The man is wearing a priest robe so I know that religious issues is a key factor also the name of the title as well.  I also love how the picture is displayed within the title of "The."  It gives off a sense of mystery between the man and woman.  I find that what makes Saul Bass's artwork so recognizable is how he only uses two to three colors.  It's simple, readable, and it gets its point across.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Understanding Comics

Mojo Jojo - Powerpuff Girls
From looking at Mojo's character, Craig McCracken has done an excellent job on creating a rather sinister and villain-y style.  His pointy costume makes it look as if he's unfriendly, conniving, and unapproachable.  His simplistic features and green skin also make it seem that he's not just a monkey, but a very malicious guy as well.  He is also drawn very boldly with thick black lines instead of fine detail which makes Mojo a more universal and less specific character.

Jane Lane - Daria
Jane, on the other hand, gives off a much more different style.  Judging from her choice of outfit she wears, from her triple piercing on her left ear to her big black boots, I'd say she is a rebel and somewhat of an artist.  From what she is holding, a sketchbook and pencil, you can clearly tell she likes to draw.  The way her right hand is placed on her hip, you can also clarify that she doesn't really care at all for anything.

Muriel - Courage the Cowardly Dog
John R. Dilworth draws Muriel in a very simplistic manner to show that Muriel is a very simple character.  She is wearing big black boots, a dark yellow dress, and a light yellow apron to show she likes to cook and lives a very simple life.  The smile on her face shows she is very gentle and friendly.  The old fashioned glasses on her face and fluffy white hair shows that she is old-fashioned.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Self Portrait

I do agree with the class saying that the portrait looks like I'm daydreaming or contemplating into space.
As for the hair texture, I also agree that the portrait depicts my character as clutzy and careless with the way the hair looks very messy.
Thelma from Scooby Doo... was not expecting that but now I can kind of see myself as her haha.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Typography and Composition Ex. 4 Texture and Depth

According to the classroom, the grass in this design felt sharp and pointy from the random placement of the letter "V."

The snake in the design felt rough and scaly like hard ramen noodles from the random placement of the letter "S."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Typography and Composition Ex. 3 Texture and Depth

When describing this picture, the majority of the class agreed that it looks like a "wrecking ball with chains attached," or "light fixtures hanging from a 100 ft. ceiling."